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Friday, June 3, 2011

Blog Post #23: Landscape Artwork

There once was a boy who lives in this marvelous tower. He'd always ask his father,"Why is the house leaning father?" His father would answer,"Do not worry son, the tower will not fall." So he didn't...Years later, in the middle of the night the boy hear a loud thud. Then he heard another... he had thought the castle was falling. He went to go look out the window but, it was just a glacier falling. His father was behind him and said," Do not worry son, tower will not fall."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Carrie Mae Weems

I can relate to this artwork because it resembles me. This artwork resembles me due to it showing a man eating breakfast. I am a person who too, eats breakfast. I like this picture because gives off enough emphasis to be shown on all objects.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blog Post #13: Nostalgic Object

I have nostalgia for this certain object.This particular object is a "PlayStation 1". I got this game system for Christmas when I was seven years old. I feel nostalgia for this object because it was the first game system I ever got. I was very happy to acquire this object.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blog Post #12: Continued Artist Research; Frank Stella Research

I find Frank Stella to be a postmodern artist. By viewing some of his painting I find him to be a layering type artist. I also find him to be a user of appropriation. In some of his paintings, he paints various types of objects that clutter together. In some of his other paintings, he uses a simple layering technique. Frank Stella is a very unique artist.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog Post #11: Search http://www.moca.org/pc/index.php

This is an artwork created by Frank Stella. Frank Stella was born in Malden, Massachusetts, on May 12,1936. Frank Stella is an active artist. I choose to research this person because I found his artwork interesting. This painting he created shows the same shapes but, in a variety of colors. This artwork shows that he is a very free-minded artist.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog Post #10: Stereotype or Cliche Artwork

This is an example of a cliche type of artwork. I choose this artwork to express a cliche. In this picture its looks as if the bride is mutated into a dinosaur type form.This artwork overuses the term Bridezilla.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Post #9: Postmodern Artwork

This artwork shows a form of juxtaposition. It pulls out certain parts in order to cause many emphasis points. For example, the man in the man of the artwork, the road barrier, and the weird white shape in the bottom right all show emphasis. This artwork shows a form of layering. For example, the two children are layering the street at the bottom left of the picture. The flamingo, too, is layering the street. The different pictures on the walls on the upper left and right of the artwork also show a form of layering